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Návrh Elišky Turanskej, Jany Štofan Stykovej a Kataríny Stachoňovej získal v konkurencii štyridsiatich finalistov cenu “clients favorite".
Medzinárodnú súťaž The Omuli Museum of the Horse competition pripravilo a zastrešilo zoskupenie Bee Breeders, ktoré patrí na medzinárodnej úrovni medzi najväčších profesionálnych organizátorov architektonických súťaží. Cieľom vyhlasovateľa bolo nájsť najvhodnejšie riešenie konverzie historickej budovy školy z roku 1936 na múzeum. Nová expozícia má návštevníkom priblížiť históriu miestnych plemien koní a prírodný kontext rezervácie Vidzeme. Chránené krajinná oblasť na severe Litvy spadá do zoznamu UNESCO. Primárnu funkciu múzea má doplniť ubytovanie a ateliér. Budúca rekonštrukcia počíta s realizáciou vo viacerých etapách. Zaujímavosťou je, že predaj budovy bývalej školy v Omuli sa nedávno zapísal ako prvá realitná transakcia prostredníctvom blockchainu v severnej Európe. "Súťaž bola pre nás nesmierne osviežujúci pracovný proces, vynikajúce bolo zadanie aj organizátori," dopĺňa Eliška Turanská.
Viac informácií o súťaži, vrátane ostatných ocenených a odmenených návrhov nájdete na stránke Bee Breeders.
Clients favorite:
Omuli Horse Museum - Eliška Turanská, Jana Štofan Styková, Katarína Stachoňová
Súťažné panely:
"The building of Omuli School is stunning. Because of its simplicity, elegance, and spacious park around it. We loved pictures from its construction, where the structure material – wood, is making the fantastic texture. Since the building is now seriously damaged, we decided to recover that beauty and add a new structure inside, so the façade of the School can stay as an old/new envelope.
This helped us a lot to create a complex and yet very readable and clear flow of the new functions – museum and living. We created an overlay space arrangement. On the ground floor, the museum visitors enter the building from the new entrance and reach the park with a grand opening on the opposite side of the building. The original entrances with the staircases lead staying visitors, groundkeeper, and artists to their apartments upstairs. These two worlds are connected through the double-height space in the former hall, where the ceiling is removed, but the original beams stay and are used for installing the panels of temporary exhibitions.
During the process of recovering Omuli School and its transformation to Omuli Horse Museum, there are designed 11 small wagons – inspired by those drawn by horses, which are changing their function and after opening stays in the area as stable or flexible part of the new operation. As well, the removed original windows are used for the design of the new additional space created near to main building - Glasshouse, which together with restoration of wooden stall and stone cellar makes upcycling the main theme of this project.
We dream about the future “Omuli Horse Museum” as the vivid spot in the country, full of life, in winter, in summer, with many additional activities in the whole area, keeping the presence of the horse even the realistic way – visitors can horse ride or stay in wagons – eventually drawn by horses. The park together with the buildings in it is the green paradise for walks, running, and horse riding, biking, or enjoying concerts or art workshops."
Zadanie súťaže:
Podklady: Eliška Turanská