Portál z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia


Climate of innovation

Ivanská cesta 30/A


Okná pre pasívne domy

Galvaniho 15 B

Wienerberger s.r.o.

Tehelná 1203/6
Zlaté Moravce


BIM knižnice a objekty

Stará Vajnorská 139

Divízia ISOVER Saint-Gobain Construction Products

Dokonalá izolácia

Stará Vajnorská 139

Profirol s.r.o

Prielohy 1012/1C

PREFA Slovensko s. r. o.

Štúrova 136B

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11. júl 2022

Komunitné centrum Mývatn na Islande

Študentka FAD STU uspela v silne obsadenej medzinárodnej súťaži.
Komunitné centrum Mývatn na Islande

Návrh Dajany Maršovskej získal v konkurencii 12 finalistov medzinárodnej súťaže Iceland Lake Mývatn Community House odmenu "client´s favorite". Práca bola vypracovaná vo vertikálnom ateliéri Varga - Šíp.

Súťaž na návrh komunitného domu pri islandskom jazere Mývatn pripravilo a zastrešilo zoskupenie Buildner (predtým Bee Breeders), ktoré patrí na medzinárodnej úrovni medzi najväčších profesionálnych organizátorov architektonických súťaží. Súťaž prebiehala v spolupráci s vedením regiónov Skútustaðahreppur a Þingeyjarsveit na severe Islandu, ktoré sa snažia o budovanie infraštruktúry pre udržateľný rozvoj oblasti. Komunitný dom má v budúcnosti slúžiť ako centrum cirkulárnej ekonomiky, kde bude prebiehať obchodovanie, výmena a recyklácia lokálnych zdrojov a materiálov. Práve návrh slovenskej študentky najviac zodpovedal predstavám severských klientov.

Viac informácií o súťaži, vrátane ostatných ocenených a odmenených návrhov nájdete na stránke Buildner.


Porota rozhodla o výsledkoch nasledovne, návrh slovenskej študentky nájdete v závere článku:

1. cena:  Moye Guo, Shilan Yu - Nemecko

Komentár poroty:

The favorite for this competition was a project designed to integrate the building into the landscape and provide an open viewing platform for local residents and visitors. Circular in form and centered on the site, the project is set into a hill with three elevated sides and one side open for views facing the lake. The jury writes: ”An exceptional design with a beautiful and clever integration within the landscape. The program is spread organically using the topography of the site. The proposal of a circular community house is harmonious and tasteful for the chosen location - a strong sculptural form that does not disturb the natural topography, and offers a sheltered courtyard with good internal planning. The proposal reacts sensitively to the landscape and its views. The architecture blends into nature, while retaining a strong identity.” The jury commends the submission for its successful blending into the landscape, and for its exceptional drawings and visualizations.


2. cena:  Aleksa Milojevic, Ka Wai Cheung, Konstantin Kim - Rakúsko

Komentár poroty:

Ware / House proposes a solemn structure that allows for playful forms of inhabitation and inventive use. Volumes of contrasting materials are integrated with light wells that pierce the space and accentuate visual and functional connections. According to the jury: “This project stands out for its innovative use of the existing site structures, the only submission that maintained the existing structure while also producing high quality architecture. It checks all the boxes, suggesting an elaborate and well functioning spatial experience. A perfect combination of rigid logic and free, informal occupation. It produces a playful building with a peculiar and charismatic architectural expression.” The jury also commented on the submission’s excellent graphics, planning, and organization, and the clarity and consistency of the submitted four panels using a drawing on the left paired with an image on the right.


3. cena + student award: Jon Breuer, Blake Czyzewski, Shane Herb - USA

Komentár poroty:

Eldgos - a term for ‘Eruption’ - proposes an A-frame structure, segmented corresponding to the contours of the site, with exchange and recycling spaces embedded within the earth and social spaces situated above ground. The jury writes: “A beautiful proposal, a rhythmic building. The images, explanations and drawings are convincing and inviting. The singular form of the building and its height are indicative of community use while the faceting of the form combines shelter, outlook and light wells.” The jury also stated that, while the proposal offers an interesting structure, its repetitiveness may also be read as overwhelming and potentially renders an inefficient layout in plan.


Green award: Balint Iszak, Csenge Gyorgyi - Nový Zéland


Client´s favorite: Dajana Maršovská - Slovensko

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