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Mood for Wood 2018

Ďalší ročník medzinárodného workshopu pre študentov Mood for Wood.
Red 416.05.2018
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KontaktMood for wood

V dňoch 20. - 30.7.2018 sa v poľskej Poznani uskutoční medzinárodný workshop Mood for Wood, na ktorom si študenti zo strednej Európy budú môcť navrhnúť a zrealizovať drevený objekt pod vedením skúsených ateliérov Archwerk (CZ), Nomad Studio (HU), Marcin Kwietowicz + Gaja Bienasz (PL), Woven Studio (SK) a +48 Architecture. Študenti si okrem precvičenia jazykových schopností osvoja aj zručnosť a tímovú prácu.

Ak chcete byť súčasťou workshopu, neváhajte sa prihlásiť prostredníctvom registračného formulára.

Mood for Wood are international workshops aimed for students of design degrees interested in actual project realisation. From the 20th until the 30th of July, another edition of project will take place in Poznań, with the participation of students from Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The workshops are organised by SARP Poznań (Polish Architects Association) and Kolektyw 1a.

So far, 4 editions of the project took place, with joint participation of over 160 students from Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. During the workshops, students, with the help of recognised architects and designers from all over Europe and experienced carpenters, will independently create urban furniture for selected locations in Poznań. Students will work on a specific location, meet with users of the space and get to know their needs and tackle issues related to the particular place. In order to realise the project, participants' ideas must meet with the acceptance of receivers, then, on the basis of the developed cost estimate, they place order for specific materials which will be used to hand-build furniture or installations. During workshops, particular emphasis is put on the exchange of experiences and ideas, students have close contact with tutors and future users of their designs, which is reflected in the effects of their work. The furniture created by them becomes an impulse for many activities and operations of local communities and cultural animators.


The subject of this year's edition are the spaces between blocks of flats in the Poznań's Rataje district. Blocks of flats and the block estates are inscribed in the landscape of Central Europe. Even though they originated as an idea for a "better future", both on this part of the continent as well as in the West, they have become more of a synonym of failure rather than success. In Poland, the first estates were erected in the 50s, but the real boom arrived in the early 70s. During the communist times, 7 million flats in the 'large-panel' technology were built in our country. They were supposed to be widespread, functional and cheap. The estates abundant in services and new public utility buildings, were to satisfy all of the residents' needs. The scale of this type of constructions made it a separate phenomenon. At its peak, one third of Poles lived in the blocks. This is an unprecedented number in comparison to any Western country.

Years of neglect gradually lead to degradation of the estate spaces. Rapid development of
motorisation caused the green and recreational space of the estates to shrink and become replaced with the asphalt of car parks. What remains is the open-access common space which has been neglected for years and is often dysfunctional and randomly utilised. In the light of this great revitalisation challenge and the fact that this type of construction is known and familiar to all of the countries participating in the project, we believe that this edition can become a starting point for a discussion on the quality of these spaces.


WO|V|EN​ is a shared platform for spatial ideas of four women architects based in Bratislava, Slovakia since 2010. Their joyful and enthusiastic work on diverse architecture and art related tasks offers some unique answers to questions about space, materiality, light, function and at times other surprising aspects. By collaborating with festivals, galleries, artists or private clients as well as organizing educational activities for students they enrich the architectural discourse in Slovakia and around.


Marcin Kwietowicz is an architect, designer and scenographer, author of both luxury Warsaw shops (e.g. the Galilu fragrance shop – in cooperation with Grażyna Czarnota), as well as spaces related to art, including the entrance hall to the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (with Wojciech Kotecki and Albert Salamon), the Institute of Avant-garde – the Edward Krasiński Pavilion (with BAR Architekten: Joostem Glissenaare, Klaasem van der Molenem), and the interior design for the Polish Pavilion at the Art Biennial in Venice (2005, Artur Żmijewski's exhibition). In 2013, the building of his (and Piotr Brzoza's) design, was selected by the Murator magazine of architecture as the best single-family house of 2000-2012 in Poland.

Gaja Bieniasz studied architecture at the Architecture Department of the Kraków Technical University and at Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid). Finalist of SARP's Annual Zbyszek Zawistowski award for diploma project of 2008. She also finished the postgraduate course in historic buildings conservation at Arquitectura de Madrid (Mater Oficial de Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico). Her professional experience includes work in the Madrid office under the supervision of her master and diploma supervisor Alberto Campo Baeza. She runs her own studio since 2013.


Studio Nomad is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Budapest, Hungary. Bence Pasztor, David Tarcali and Soma Pongor are the founding members with background in architecture. The word ‘Nomad’ reflects the diversity of our creative work that spans from small objects to larger landscape architectural projects and spatial installations.

​Our aim is to show the beauty and joy residing in the simplicity of structure and materials. What drives us is our curiosity to experiment and our intention to create something new and unseen.


Karol Szparkowski, architect and partner in the PLUS48 design group.

A young generation architect, together with Kamil Miklaszewski they opened the PLUS48 architectonic studio. The studio is interested both in constructional as well as innovative application of materials. Karol is a lecturer at the University of Ecology and Management where he applies a workshop method, specialising in teaching object shaping through workshops. He pays particular attention to construction, erecting temporary pavilions in his classes. His method is based on illustrating and explaining the conditions which impact the building's shape. During classes with students, he eagerly reaches for the workshop method. Methodology of these workshops, which can be adjusted to diverse groups of participants, was also used while working with children from Ukraine and Georgia.

When it comes to social activity, together with other members of the PLUS48 Group, he actively supports social organisation directly interested in architecture, city planning and historic buildings conservation, as well as those working within the field of development and education with the use of architecture and architectural workshops.


Martin Kloda + Hana Prochazkova

The studio's main focus is classical architecture and the design and implementation of original experimental buildings, based mainly on the idea of technological and design simplicity, and site-specific projects using natural materials. The buildings erected as a result of a physical experiment, often with a low budget and their own physical work, have no ambition to change the perception of space or expand the boundaries of architecture, but rather to enrich a specific place and community.

Archwerk goal is to create, in the style of medieval building workers, a strictly unlimited creative group able to design and execute high-quality architectural works which cultivate (not only) Czech landscape and society.


Applications can be submitted through the application form on the website from the 15th of May until the 20th of June. Organisers will contact successful applicants via e-mail before the 22nd of June.

Cost: 100 euro

Cost of the workshops includes: - accommodation in Poznań during the period of 20-30 July - full board (breakfast, lunch, supper) - coffee breaks - travel to/from Poznań ( students from Czech Republic – departure in Prague, students from Hungary – departure from Budapest, students from Slovakia – departure from Bratislava, students from Poland - public transport from any location in the country) - public transport in Poznań - Health and Safety training – ending with a certificate - work materials for the workshops - package of gadgets from Mood for Wood


SARP Poznań, Association Kolektyw 1a

Magda Wypusz, Marta Adamczak, Inga Rolek

Visegrad Fund, City of Poznań, School of form, Wielkopolska Okręgowa Izba Architektów, Spółdzielnia Osiedle Młodych, VUT BRNO, Hello Wood, Woven . The project is co-financed with funds received from the International Visegrad Fund and the City of Poznań.

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16. máj 2018
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