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Začiatok | 4.8.2017 08:00 |
Koniec | 12.8.2017 18:00 |
Miesto | Poznan |
Adresa | Poznan, Poľsko |
Druh podujatia | Podujatie |
Kontakt | Inga Rolek |
Mood for Wood are exciting workshops for 45 design students from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Between 4 and 12 August 2017, participants will try to change the look of 5 water-related locations in Poznań (Poland) with their creative designs.
Mood for Wood is a design workshop for international students of all design faculties – architecture, interior and industrial design. Forty five students in five groups under the supervision of young architects will design and produce by themselves a series of city furniture dedicated for different city environments related with water in Poznań (Poland). Each location is different, shows water in the city in different form- its not only river or lake- but also for example canals or public swimming pools. Locations has different spatial conditions, each has distinct recipients. Students will meet their present users so that the people will in fact have a huge influence on the final design. Mood for Wood promotes the importance of social participation in the professional work of a designer, supports the idea of straight implementation of the design that has a real impact on the urban life and the development of local communities.
Mood for Wood’s recipe for a great workshop is always to gather people form different environments and give them a chance and all the means they need to be creative. During the nine exciting and intense days every participant will focus on team work, but not only between the students – the tast is to stress the colaboration between the young designers and ‘the real people’, the true users of the city. The workshop gives the opportunity to become a ful-time designer who needs to cope with real life problems to be solved, the tight time schedule and a certain budget. An additional inspiration for the participants is a series of open events and venues that accompany the workshop – lectures, meetings and tours around the city.
Architectural duo focused on medium- and small-scale projects. Their activities combine architecture and design, not with a vague idea of repairing the city tissue but with the concrete goal of doing so and making it serve the residents. They encourage interaction with the city tissue, extracting its potential. They say of themselves that they create places, designing for the time being or to last a longer while. While their creative process is playful, the outcome is serious; they strive to solve issues, not to erect monuments.
They have created, among others, the "Baza" [base] Archi-box 2015 outdoor meeting point, the "Poczekalnia" [waiting room] city stand, a series of projects called "Mikroinstalacje" [microinstallations], and a festival area for the BRAVE Festival 2015.
Hello Wood (HU)
Hello Wood is an independent, international educational platform in design and architecture. It teaches to think with our hands and learn through experience. It started as an art camp in 2010 with 40 people and it has grown into an annual summer school and festival for architecture welcoming professionals and students from more than 30 countries and 40 universities. In 2017 for the first time
it was also organised abroad, in Argentina. Hello Wood is also a design studio, focusing on designing and building temporary, mobile structures, made primarily of wood. The studio does public space installations, festival projects but some more traditional architecture work, as well.
KOGAA was established in 2015 by Alexsandra Georgescu, Tomáš Kozelský and Viktor Odstrčilík.
KOGAA is an international creative agency working across the fields of Architecture, Urban planning, Interior and Product design based in Brno, Czech Republic. KOGAA designs, directs and executes projects from concept through to creation. Thanks to its in-house specialists in engineering and interior design, projects are internally supervised at all times and in all project’s aspects. Operating across many scales, KOGAA’s core ambition that moves each project is to challenge the boundaries of architecture in innovative and unexpected ways, balancing creative excellence with social and technical demands. KOGAA believes in research as an essential design tool, since every project is unique and needs to be approached accordingly to its specific issues. A thorough study on the program, typologies, functions, site and historical background is essential for unique outcomes.
Mikołaj Smoleński (PL)
Mikołaj Smoleński studied in the Architecture Department of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and on the Oulu University in Finland under the Modern Nordic Architecture program. He also holds a postgraduate degree from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki. He co-created the CH+architects team and manages the SOFFT platform which is concerned with issues related to design aimed at local communities and dedicated to public spaces.
He is a co-author of realisations including the "Agora" Cultural Centre in Wrocław and the Regional Sports Centre in Kołobrzeg, Primary and Nursery School Complex in Stabłowice in Wrocław (in progress), Centre for Culture and Local Activity in Nowe Żerniki in Wrocław (planned), as well as the "Polegiwacz" and "MoKapp" outdoor realisations. The author and co-author of around twenty awarded and distinguished competition projects.
2021 architekti (SK)
2021 architekti office has been established in 2012 in Bratislava by Peter Lényi, Ondrej Marko, and Marian Lucký. The office focuses mainly on executing public buildings, and designs in the public space which have a wider social character.The ambition of the office is to shape the way forward in terms of our perception of architecture and everyday environments. Our architects seek this in two ways: participating in contests declared by public investors and organising contests themselves.Apart from design work in strongly differentiated scales, the architects willingly participate in workshops and self-build urban actions. Their shelves at the office feature, apart from organizers full of design documents and architecture literature, also drills, polishing machines, and containers full of bolts.
In a period between May 11nd and 10th June, workshops applications can be submitted via Application Form on the website . Organizers will contact students accepted to workshops by e-mails on June 15th.
COST ( per person)
85 euro
The price of workshop includes:
Association of Polish Architects in Poznan, Association Kolektyw 1a
Visegrad Fund, City of Poznań, School of Form, , Brno University of Technology, ZAMEK Culture Centre, HELLO WOOD, Polish Branch of Architects in Poznań
ARCH, Architektura Murator,, Építészfórum. hu,,,
The workshops are co-financed from the funds of Visegrad Fund and City of Poznań.