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Svetový kongres UIA2021RIO sa presúva do online formátu

Zapojme sa do výzvy, ktorú predstavuje téma: "All the worlds. Just one world. Architecture 21."
Red 304.05.2021
Svetový kongres UIA2021RIO sa presúva do online formátu

Spolok architektov Slovenska dostal v týchto dňoch informáciu z vedenia UIA, že o rok preložený 27. Svetový kongres UIA2021RIO sa presúva do online formátu, rovnako ako Valné zhromaždenie UIA, ktorého tohtoročný on line formát bol oznámený už dva mesiace predtým. Nižšie nájdete skrátený preklad výzvy prezidenta UIA Thomasa Voniera na účasť architektov a študentov architektúry z celého sveta. V anglickom texte nájdete ďalšie informácie o Kongrese spolu s linkom na oficiálnu webovú stránku Kongresu UIA2021RIO.


Z dôvodu súčasnej zdravotnej krízy spôsobenej pandémiou COVID-19 v Brazílii a brazílskych vládnych obmedzení pre verejné zhromaždenia bol nútený výkonný výbor Svetového kongresu architektúry UIA2021RIO reorganizovať Kongres v novom online formáte s vopred nahratými videami a živými prenosmi. Medzinárodná únia architektov aplauduje úsiliu brazílskych architektov v tejto zložitej situácii kongres uskutočniť. UIA dnes vyzýva všetkých architektov a študentov architektúry, aby sa virtuálne pripojili k brazílskym kolegom. Urobme z tohto Kongresu miesto intenzívnej debaty a zdieľania nápadov. Zapojme sa do výzvy, ktorú predstavuje téma: "All the worlds. Just one world. Architecture 21."

Thomas Vonier, prezident UIA



Now 100% digital, and with the support of institutions and professionals from all over the world, the 27th World Congress of Architects – UIA2021RIO promises to be the most comprehensive and impactful Architecture and Urbanism event ever.

Its efforts to include practitioners and students from all over the world and offer even more high-quality content have been acknowledged by the International Union of Architects. The UIA released a statement of support for this Congress yesterday, urging everyone to attend, as it is already a landmark event in the history of the World Congresses of Architects.

In terms of attendance, the sheer size of this occasion was revealed in the activities held in March and April: 50,000 views and 40,000 participants from 160 countries. In July, the World Congress of Architects will have seven digital stages with simultaneous attractions, including presentations by twenty keynote speakers. All Congress content will remain available on its platform for two years, with exclusive access for those registered.


Oficiálne komuniké UIA v plnom znení:


Due to the current health crisis and government restrictions on public gatherings, the UIA2021RIO Executive Committee has been forced to reorganise the Congress in a new online format, with pre-recorded videos and live transmissions. The International Union of Architects applauds the efforts of Brazilian architects to celebrate its Congress.

We regret not being able to assemble in the magnificent city of Rio de Janeiro and extend unconditional support to the UIA2021RIO Executive Committee and the Institute of Architects of Brazil. Using the latest digital technologies, the week of 18-22 July 2021 will offer the same programme originally planned, but now on a virtual platform. To expand the reach of the event and enrich offerings, all participants will have access to various events and activities, all built around the Congress sub-themes, throughout April, May, and June.

Participants who have already registered (as Delegate) are invited to contact the UIA2021RIO Congress Secretariat to convert their pre-registration for the Congress into 3 digital registrations that can be transferred to the people of their choice.

The International Union of Architects today calls on all architects and architecture students to join their Brazilian colleagues virtually. Let's make this Congress a place of debate and idea-sharing, all on the challenges posed by the theme: "All the worlds. Just one world. Architecture 21."


Viac informácií a odkaz na registráciu nájdete na webovej stránke Kongresu UIA2021RIO.

4. máj 2021
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