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Od Španielska po Dánsko: 20 ocenených projektov v súťaži o ceny Nového európskeho Bauhausu

Ceny NEB zviditeľňujú príklady, ktoré ilustrujú hodnoty udržateľnosti, estetiky a inklúzie.
Red 324.11.2021
Od Španielska po Dánsko: 20 ocenených projektov v súťaži o ceny Nového európskeho Bauhausu

Víťazné diela a projekty si môžete pozrieť v rozsiahlej virtuálnej galérii, alebo v prehľade pod textom.

Nový európsky Bauhaus má plnú politickú podporu predsedníčky Európskej komisie Ursuly von der Leyen ako jeden z hlavných prostriedkov naplnenia cieľov Európskej zelenej dohody (viac tu). Prvá fáza iniciatívy otvára priestor pre vízie odborníkov a projekty, ktoré poukazujú na konkrétne výzvy a priority. 

Ceny, ktoré Európska komisia udelila v roku 2021, sú súčasťou a zároveň vyvrcholením fázy koncipovania. Vyzdvihuje najlepšie príklady a nové nápady, ktoré by mohli byť pre projekt Nový európsky Bauhaus inšpiráciou a prispieť k formovaniu jeho finálnej koncepcie.  

Ceny zviditeľnili príklady projektov a koncepcie / nápady, ktoré sú ukážkou toho, ako sa trojlístok udržateľnosti, estetiky a inklúzie premieta do konkrétnych riešení. Európska komisia prijala viac ako dvetisíc žiadostí. Do užšieho výberu sa na základe hlasovania odberateľov newsletteru NEB dostalo 60 projektov. Porota zložená z 80 oficiálnych partnerov iniciatívy zo všetkých kútov Európy, vybrala zo šesťdesiatych finalistov 20 víťazov. Slávnostné vyhlásenie víťazov prebehlo minulý týždeň v priestoroch starého bruselského salónu vín Ateliers des Tanneurs. 

Ceny Nového európskeho Bauhausu udelila Európska komisia v desiatich kategóriách, pričom v každej z boli ocenené dva druhy inovatívnych riešení: “Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu“ realizované projekty) a “Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu“ (koncept alebo nápad mladých talentov do 30 rokov).

Víťazi v každej z desiatich kategórií získali okrem publicity aj finančnú odmenu. Za ocenený zrealizovaný príklad projekt vo výške 30.000 €, za nové idey a koncepty mladých tvorcov vo výške 15.000 €.


Predstavujeme víťazov v jednotlivých kategóriách:

Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Techniky, materiály a postupy pre stavebníctvo a dizajn"

Projekt: ERDEN PURE Walls
Lokalita: Schlins, Austria

"ERDEN PURE Walls are prefabricated unstabilised rammed earth building elements made from 100% natural earth and are fully recyclable. Specifically, the material is unstabilised, which means no cement is added to the earthen mixture. This key distinction allows PURE walls to passively regulate indoor temperature and humidity, they deodorise spaces, and offer a unique haptic materiality suited to contemporary architecture. The raw material is earth excavated from local building sites, usually a waste product, which is then adapted with sand, gravel, or clay to make it suitable for construction. The mixture is poured into long courses of formwork and rammed one layer at a time with a specially developed machine. Each course of finished wall is then cut into large elements and dried naturally until it is ready to be transported to site and built up like bricks. The prefabrication process optimises production and construction, transforming an ancient labour-intensive technique into one that can produce consistent and high quality output that is able to compete with other industrialised building materials."

Paranorma - levitujúce okná bez limitov
Kľučka ako ikona


Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Výstavba v duchu cirkularity"

Projekt: Gardens in the Air
Lokalita: Sevilla, Spain

"A circular initiative of urban renaturalization involving artists, scientists, architects, designers, residents of Tres Barrios-Amate and youngs from the local association A.E.S. Candelaria. An exploration of the resources and species of the neighborhood, to imagine new relationships of sustainable prosperity through an integral process that takes the form of a vertical garden, a perfume that distills plants from the neighborhood, and a sound composition that celebrates new alliances."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Riešenia pre spoločný rozvoj zastavaného prostredia a prírody"

Projekt: RoSana
Lokalita: Rosenheim, Germany

"This guesthouse has been made for people who seek mental and physical stress relief, who want to become focused on their inner strength, recharge their energy, get grounded. The building is made of wood, earth and willow, materials that are present in the nearby alluvial forest."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Revitalizované mestské a vidiecke prostredie"

Projekt: La Fábrika de toda la vida
Lokalita: Los Santos de Maimona, Spain

"After being abandoned for years, an old cement factory is now a collaborative space for free culture. Located in a rural municipality of Spain, La Fábrika has become a landmark for an open network of creators, thinkers, and social agents throughout the territory. Over the course of our ten years of activity, more than 3.000 people have contributed to regenerating the space."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Produkty a životný štýl"

Winner: AYR sustainability platform
Location: Matosinhos, Portugal

"AYR, developed by CEiiA, is a sustainability platform designed to achieve a zero-carbon society, incentivizing the adoption of sustainable lifestyles by citizens and companies. It connects communities, people and things in a network, where sustainable actions create tokens that can be exchanged for green goods and services, or used to locally offset carbon emissions." 



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Zachované a transformované kultúrne dedičstvo"

Projekt: Xifré’s Rooftop: “Floating” Wild Garden
Lokalita: Barcelona, Spain

"The Xifré Rooftop is a dual purpose renovation project, in terms of both architecture and ecology. Covering an early 19th-century block of ten buildings, this contemporary roof garden creates a “floating” wild space that enhances urban biodiversity and opportunities for social interaction between neighbors."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Znovuobjavené miesta pre stretávanie sa a zdieľanie"

Projekt: Ulia Garden
Lokalita: San Sebastian, Spain

"Ulia Garden is driven by urban regeneration and agroecological community action. It is nurtured by the voluntary work of many people who, by getting their hands in the soil, seek to weave new relationships between committed citizens, integrate the care of nature as a central concept, and share the beautiful essence of life and a common project."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Mobilizácia umenia, kultúry a komunít"

Projekt: ESSERI Urbani
Lokalita: Locorotondo, Italy

"ESSERI URBANI elects art as a means of reading the contemporary world, but also as a tool to take action on reality. It opens the curatorial practice and the artistic exercise to new possibilities: it’s an opportunity for research and experimentation, to bring together communities, landscapes, and local architectures with contemporary artistic languages. The Festival takes place in the streets in a sort of widespread museum, with free admission and multimedia content accessible through QR code."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Modulárne, adaptabilné a mobilné riešenia pre bývanie"

Projekt: APROP Ciutat Vella
Lokalita: Barcelona, Spain

"APROP is an affordable, sustainable, fast, and high-quality housing program providing evicted households with emergency accommodation in their own neighborhood. A lightweight, dry, modular and reversible construction system using reused shipping containers has been specially conceived to achieve high rates of energy efficiency and excellent architectural standards. The first APROP is already in operation in Ciutat Vella, Barcelona while two other buildings are currently under construction."



Cena nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Interdisciplinárne modely vzdelávania"

Projekt: Degree in Design. Universidad de Navarra
Lokalita: Pamplona, Spain

"The new Degree in Design. Universidad de Navarra is an experience that fits perfectly within the framework pursued by the ´New European Bauhaus wave´, it is a teaching methodology that integrates the theoretical, practical, technical, and creative contents, which acquire their whole meaning applied to a project."




Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Techniky, materiály a postupy pre stavebníctvo a dizajn"

Projekt: Inhabiting an enclosed landscape
Lokalita: Santa Margalida, Spain

"The material isolation of the Balearic Islands made its inhabitants develop their own material culture out of the island’s limited resources. This enclosed landscape gave shape to sustainable techniques that deeply align with our current search for circularity and can thus be brought into the future."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Výstavba v duchu cirkularity"

Projekt: Zero waste house
Lokalita: Žalec, Slovenia

"The Zero Waste House project is rooted in the circular economy, community and ecology. These concepts inform the architecture of the buildings and the use of urban spaces. The ZW House is a project of renovation and adaptation to climate change. It explores the notion of commons by including the community. Form follows function, is a common thread weaving through the design principles of the ZW House. It merges the heritage of the space with innovative, modern and accessible building practices."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Riešenia pre spoločný rozvoj zastavaného prostredia a prírody"

Projekt: Nest
Lokalita: Barcelona, Spain

"NEST is an ecological façade system that would be made through sustainable ceramic/clay 3d printing techniques. Façade panels are tailored to create a specific environment that will allow the passive or low maintenance growth of the plants or places to nest for desirable species of insects, birds, and bats while maintaining the high performance of the building and healthier micro-climate." 



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Regenerované mestské a vidiecke prostredie"

Projekt: Porto di Mare Eco-District
Lokalita: Milan, Italy

"Porto di Mare Eco-District project combines a multi-scale design, focused on a bottom-up holistic approach, acting on people and transforming users into more sensible agents. The outcome is a replicable approach for similar urban-rural contexts, to be used at 360-degrees."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Produkty a životný štýl"

Projekt: Materieunite
Lokalita: Terni, Italy

"Recycled materials, digital production, parametric project design, and made-in Italy are at the core of materieunite. They design and create permanent and temporary spaces by using recycled cardboard and other materials which are either recyclable or recovered from supply chain waste."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Zachované a transformované kultúrne dedičstvo"

Projekt: Retrofitting the UNESCO site of Ivrea
Lokalita: Ivrea, Italy

"Latest EU programs related to energy efficiency underline the need for retrofitting existing buildings, responsible for 40% of EU final energy consumption. This proposition deals with the issue of rethinking the common practices in the retrofitting of modern heritage, integrating the thermal improvement with architectural preservation and inclusiveness."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Znovuobjavené miesta pre stretávanie sa a zdieľanie"

Projekt: Social reconstruction in post-emergency
Lokalita: Florence, Italy

"Natural disasters cause traumas, thus social breakdown. Living in post-emergency settlements is an opportunity for community recovery. This potential is identified in open space, a constant element regardless of the adopted housing systems and catastrophe. Open space guidelines for temporary settlements are proposed as resilient tools for sociality. The further development foresees to translate the guidelines in spatial parameters to be used in widespread BIM planning software."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Mobilizácia umenia, kultúry a komunít"

Projekt: Spaces to reconnect citizens with cities
Lokalita: Barcelona, Spain

"Barcelona hosts numerous events that often have an impact on the environment, in terms of resource and energy use. ´Spaces to reconnect citizens with cities´ is a project to create a set of zero impact tools and advance the ecological transition in the events sector."



Cena Vychádzajúca hviezda nového európskeho Bauhausu v kategórii "Modulárne, adaptabilné a mobilné riešenia pre bývanie"

Projekt: Homeless Housing
Lokalita: Holbæk, Denmark

"Homelessness is an increasing problem in Denmark. Reports show that the problem can be eliminated by 2030 with the right strategies. Building on the Housing First strategy and with an eye for a minimal budget, Astrid Lykke has designed these high-quality modular houses ready to be implemented anywhere needed."



Interdisciplinárne modely vzdelávania

Projekt: Klasse Klima
Lokalita: Berlin, Germany

"All art and design universities must address the climate crisis. This is Klasse Klima's mission, a student-led seminar series and education collective based at the University of the Arts Berlin. They are building a transnational network with groups from other art schools, connecting them through innovative digital infrastructure and a fluid joint corpus of transformative knowledge and practices."


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24. november 2021
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