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Wienerberger s.r.o.

Tehelná 1203/6
Zlaté Moravce


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Galvaniho 15 B


BIM knižnice a objekty

Stará Vajnorská 139

Divízia ISOVER Saint-Gobain Construction Products

Dokonalá izolácia

Stará Vajnorská 139

Profirol s.r.o

Prielohy 1012/1C

PREFA Slovensko s. r. o.

Štúrova 136B

Saint-Gobain Construction Products, s.r.o., Divízia Rigips

Vlárska 22

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15. október 2015

The Future of City Life - Ericsson Innovation Awards 2016

Spoločnosť Ericsson spustila registráciu do medzinárodnej súťaže Ericsson Innovation Awards 2016 s témou „Budúcnosť mestského života”.
Odovzdanie návrhov30.11.2015
AdresaTelefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson SE-16483,
Druh podujatiaSúťaž
KontaktPeter Nyquist
+46 10 719 0000

Do súťaže sa môžu zapojiť aj študenti zo Slovenska, pričom hlavnou cenou je nielen 25 000 €, ale aj možnosť zamestnať sa v Ericssone. Viac informácií nájdete tu.

The Ericsson Innovation Awards 2016 is an open competition for students all around the world.

This year the competition is all about cities. Today, more people live in cities than in rural areas, and by 2050, about 70 percent of the world’s population is expected to reside in urban areas. Ensuring that our cities are creative, connected and sustainable is a major challenge but also an opportunity to improve the lives of billions of people along with the health and future of the planet itself. What is your next big idea?

The future of city life

Technology fundamentally transforms the ways we organize our lives, businesses, societies and life in general. In the EIA 2016 we challenge you to come with innovations that will impact the future of cities.

Today, more people live in cities than in rural areas, and by 2050, about 70 percent of the world’s population is expected to reside in urban areas. This explosive growth and the rapid uptake of broadband are taking place at a time of serious economic, environmental and social challenges.

Ensuring that our cities are creative, connected and sustainable is a major challenge but also an opportunity to improve the lives of billions of people along with the health and future of the planet

What possibilities for innovations will arise as a result of this development?

The challenge for Ericsson Innovation Awards 2016 is:
The future of city life?
What possibilities emerge when more and more people connect? How can we create opportunities for creating better life for billions living in cities? How can we transform our cities using new technologies? What is your next big idea?

Vlaňajší víťazi pri odovdávaní ceny (Marcos Welker a Jolita Kiznyte)
Vlaňajší víťazi pri odovdávaní ceny (Marcos Welker a Jolita Kiznyte)

Dates to remember:

September 18- November 30: Phase 1 – Registration and submission. Register your team
November 30-December 17: Open voting and Ericsson jury evaluation
December 18: Semi-finalists announcement. 10 teams announced that make it into semi-finals
December 19-February 11: Phase 2 – Development of a Minimum Viable Product, etc. Working with Ericsson experts to develop your idea.
February 19: Finalist announcement. 4 teams announced that have made it into the grand final
Date TBD: Award ceremony / final event in Stockholm, Sweden

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