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Súťaž: Návrh okolia starovekého divadla, Larissa (GR)

Medzinárodná architektonická súťaž v Grécku organizovaná pod záštitou UIA.
Red 423.09.2021
Odovzdanie návrhov24.2.2022
VyhlasovateľMesto Larissa
AdresaIonos Dragoumi 1,
Druh podujatiaSúťaž
KontaktMesto Larissa
+30 2410 6977788999

The Municipality of Larissa in Greece has launched an International Open Ideas Competition for the Design of the Surrounding Area of the Ancient Theatre A’ of Larissa. Participation is open to architects, or multidisciplinary teams consisting of at least one architect.

Competitors are invited to submit proposals for the transformation of an inactive ancient open-air theatre dating from the 3rd century BC into a point of reference and identity for the modern city of Larissa, the fourth-most populous urban center in Greece. The Ancient Theatre A’, the largest in Thessaly-Central Greece, built on the slope of Larissa’s Fortress hill, or “Frourio’’, the fortified citadel of the ancient city, for an audience capacity of 10 000. Following an almost complete recent excavation, the theatre will soon be fully functional.

Connecting the theatre to the contemporary city and its landmarks will necessitate the redesigning of the surrounding area (approximately 42 hectares, or 420,000 m2). The renovation and redesign of the monument at the heart of Larissa, combined with the restoration of its functionality, will bring global recognition and visitors from around the world.

The competition is endorsed by the UIA and will be conducted according to the UNESCO Regulations and the UIA best practice recommendations.

Renato Rizzi (Italy),  
Aristidis Sapounakis (Greece),  
Deniz Incedayi (Turkey),
UIA Representative Christian Sumi (Switzerland), 
Rainer Mahlamäki (Finland)
Deputy UIA Representative Jacek Lenart (Poland).

The Competition is open to architects from all countries entitled to practice in their country of residence. Due to the complexity and size of the competition site, multidisciplinary teams, including specialists in landscape, urban design and planning, archaeology, history, sociology, led by (an) architect(s), are encouraged.

A total net amount of 63 000 Euros will be divided as follows between the winners selected by the International Jury:

1st prize 30 000 Euro
2nd prize  15 000 Euros
3rd prize  10 000 Euros
4th prize  5 000 Euros
5th prize  3 000 Euros
VAT will be paid in addition to the above fees.

Competition Launch and registration opening: 20 September 2021
Registration at the website ends: 19 November 2021
Questions Period: 24-30 September 2021                                                          
Answers Posted: 15 October 2021                                                                           
Submission Deadline (entries to be postmarked by): 24 February 2022
Deadline for Reception of Entries by post or courier: 14 March 2022
Jury Meeting:  16-18 March 2022                                                                                   
Winners announced: 22 March 2022      

An exhibition opening of all entries and prize-winning projects will take place in Larissa, Greece

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23. september 2021
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