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Climate of innovation

Ivanská cesta 30/A


Okná pre pasívne domy

Galvaniho 15 B

Wienerberger s.r.o.

Tehelná 1203/6
Zlaté Moravce


BIM knižnice a objekty

Stará Vajnorská 139

Divízia ISOVER Saint-Gobain Construction Products

Dokonalá izolácia

Stará Vajnorská 139

Profirol s.r.o

Prielohy 1012/1C

PREFA Slovensko s. r. o.

Štúrova 136B

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21. júl 2017

Riba Awards 2017

Bolo spustené prihlasovanie do prestížnej medzinárodnej architektonickej súťaže RIBA International Prize. Cena je otvorená pre všetkých kvalifikovaných architektov na svete a ich budovy budú hodnotené odbornou porotou. Registrácia bude uzavretá 17. októbra 2017.
Odovzdanie návrhov17.10.2017
AdresaPortland Place 66,
Spojené kráľovstvo
Druh podujatiaSúťaž
+44(0)20 7580 5533

For over 50 years the RIBA awards and prizes have championed and celebrated the best architecture in the UK and around the world, no matter the form; size or budget. Successful projects reflect changes and innovations in architecture, but at their core display a commitment to designing and developing buildings and spaces for the improvement and enhancement of people’s lives.


  • RIBA awards are regarded by both the public and profession as the most valued architecture awards with an unrivalled approach to the judging and promotion of good architecture.
  • RIBA awards and prizes are the most rigorously judged awards for architectural excellence and are based on the judgement of peers as a result of building visits.
  • All award-winning projects will have been visited by at least one expert jury.
  • All RIBA awards are judged by award-winning architects and relevant lay assessors.
  • Award winners will have PR support from the RIBA and the chance to be featured in online, print and filmed content by our prestigious media partners.
  • Award-winning projects are featured on architecture.com which has a growing annual visit rate of over 2.5 million globally.
  • RIBA awards are highlighted and amplified on all of our social media channels with a global reach of over 200,000 followers.
  • Award winners will receive both hard-copy and digital RIBA Awards marketing assets.

If you are considering entering the 2018 RIBA Awards please read the entry criteria below to make sure you are eligible and have the required documents to complete your entry. You can also plan ahead for next year, and check the schedule for the RIBA Awards 2018.



Entry for International projects is now open
You can start your submission on our online entry form

Deadline for the International projects is 23.59 GMT on 17 October 2017

Entry fee discount is available for RIBA Members
(you do not need to be a RIBA member to enter international projects)

Entries for UK projects will open in December 2017
For all key dates see the RIBA Awards timetable 2017-2018

Who can enter

The RIBA International Prize is open to any qualified architect.

To enter a building outside the UK the project director must:

  • be a qualified architect
  • have completed the building, which must have been occupied (partially-occupied commercial and housing projects subject to RIBA approval) between 1 January 2014 and 1 October 2017
  • have the client's permission to submit the building

We will ask you for evidence of your membership of an organisation such as the RIBA, or registration with an architecture registration board. If you are not a member of any such organisation, we will need details of your qualification certificate and the academic institute you graduated from.

RIBA, RSAW, RIAS, RSUA members and RIBA International Fellows can enter projects into both the UK and international awards. If you are thinking about entering buildings in the UK, but are not a member then please see more information on becoming a member.

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