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18. apríl 2018

„Loi 130“ Brusel

Európska komisia v Bruseli vyhlasuje veľkú medzinárodnú urbanisticko-architektonickú súťaž návrhov pod názvom Loi 130.
Odovzdanie návrhov4.5.2018
VyhlasovateľEurópska komisia v Bruseli
Adresa ,
Druh podujatiaSúťaž

Predmetom súťaže sú nové priestory pre úrady EK v rozsahu 190 000 m2 na ulici rue de la Loi 130 v Bruseli.

Súťaž je vyhlásená ako užšia, dvojkolová, vedúca k zadaniu zákazky. Z prihlášok, ktoré splnia kritériá účasti, bude vybraných komisiou vyhlasovateľa 30 súťažiacich, ktorí budú vyzvaní na predloženie ideového návrhu riešenia v 1. kole. Do 2. kola vyberie porota súťaže 10 návrhov

Prihlášky do súťaže môžu záujemcovia a kolektívy zasielať do 4. mája 2018 do 17:30 h.

Súhrnné odmeny v súťaži sú vo výške 300 000,- Eur.

Podmienky účasti v súťaži a ďalšie informácie sú dostupné TU

The European Commission is constantly seeking to increase efficiency, save money and reduce its environmental footprint. With this in mind, and in line with the ambitions of the Brussels Region, it is seeking to replace some of its ageing buildings with modern, eco-friendly offices

To this end, the Commission is launching an international architectural competition to identify the best design proposals for its most important current real estate project in Brussels – the redevelopment of its premises at rue de la Loi 130 (hence the competition name, Loi 130).

The competition invites teams composed of architects, landscape architects, building services engineers and structural engineers from around the world to come forward with forward-looking, innovative, sustainable and cost-efficient proposals for the project.

With a total gross floor area of between 175,000 and 190,000 m², the new inner city complex will include offices for at least 5,250 people, 2 childcare centres, a visitor centre that can welcome 345,000 people a year, 3,000 square meters of restaurants and shops and public spaces with green areas. The project will also include a new entrance to Maelbeek metro station, and the whole complex will have the highest possible level of security.

Location of the site inside the Brussels Region
Location of the site inside the Brussels Region
Location of the site in the European quarter
Location of the site in the European quarter


The Loi 130 architectural competition, supported by the International Union of Architects (UIA), is open to applicants from any EU country, as well as non-member countries that have access to EU procurement procedures.

The competition is a restricted two phase competition. We welcome applications from teams of architects, structural engineers, building services engineers and landscape architects. Applicants will be asked to provide, among others, evidence of professional qualification and/or admission to the profession, as well as 5 project references.

Phase 1 — 30 teams will be selected and will be invited to present an initial outline design concept. Based on each entry’s merit, the jury will select a maximum of 10 candidates from phase 1 for participation in phase 2.

Phase 2 — The candidates admitted to phase 2 will be invited to submit a more detailed design concept for the project. The jury will award three prizes for the best design concepts (€ 120 000, € 100 000 and € 80 000). All participating projects will be publicly exhibited in July 2019.

Full details on how to apply can be found in the Official Journal of the EU.


27 March 2018 Launch of the Loi 130 architectural competition
4 May 2018 17:30 (CET) Deadline for applications
July 2018 Selection of the candidates
August-October 2018 Working period 1
September 2018 Candidates' colloquium
January 2019 Jury Meeting – Phase 1
February – April 2019 Working period 2
June 2019 Jury meeting – Phase 2
July 2019 Projects exhibited

The jury will be composed of 11 voting members with 6 architectural jurors and 5 general jurors.

The names of the members of the jury will be published after the adoption of the nomination decision by the European Commission in the coming weeks.

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