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3. február 2016

„Fear of columns“ - otvorená medzinárodná súťaž návrhov

Pri príležitosti 30. výročia rekonštrukcie barcelonského Pavilónu vyhlasuje nadácia Miesa van der Rohe súťaž „Fear of columns“.
Odovzdanie návrhov29.2.2016
VyhlasovateľFundació Mies van der Rohe
AdresaProvença 318 pral 2a,
Druh podujatiaSúťaž
KontaktFundació Mies van der Rohe
+34 932 151 011

Účelom súťaže je dočasná inštalácia a znovuvytvorenie ôsmich stĺpov a dvoch podstavcov Josepa Cadafalcha, ktoré výrazne ovplivnili dielo nemeckého architekt a podobu Pavilónu z roku 1929. Súťaž je otvorená všetkým záujemcom. Návrhy musia byť reverzibilné a ľahko zrealizovateľné. Rozpočet nesmie prekročiť 15,000 €. 

Originálna tlačová správa:

The competition purpose is the temporary recreation of the eight columns and two pedestals that presided over the Pavilion in 1929, in the framework of the 30-year anniversary since the reconstruction of this iconic work by the German architect.

Open to all interested parties, participants must develop projects to recreate the columns on a temporary basis.

Barcelona, 25 January 2016. The Mies van der Rohe Foundation has called the competition Fear of Columns, an event whose inception has the purpose of publicising the oeuvre of the world renowned German architect to all citizens and reflecting on the impact that the Ionic columns by Puig i Cadafalch had on this German architect’s work. Participants’ proposals must be executable within a specific period of time and with a specific budget. The winner will see his/her work constructed temporarily for the celebration of the 30year anniversary since the reconstruction of the Pavilion.

Competition: Fear of Columns
The competition is open to everyone. To participate, proposals must be submitted before 29 February 2016. A jury panel will study the proposals and evaluate and rate their coherence with the competition’s purposes; the quality of the design solution; originality and technical possibility of constructing them; and shall then select a winner that will be notified on 10 March. On 1 June 2016, the 30-year anniversary of the Pavilion’s reconstruction, the recreation will be launched in a public ceremony. The maximum period that the recreated columns will be physically present is planned for five months.

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