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SHARE Architects Forum of the Visegrad Countries

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Red 303.11.2020
MiestoBudapešť, Krakov, Bratislava
Adresa ,
Druh podujatiaPodujatie
KontaktJuraj Hermann

Join SHARE Architects Forum on 10, 11, 12 November where the Central European architectural community can engage in three days of FREE live content, lectures, panel discussions, and networking opportunities with peers and our SHARE Architects partners.

Headline speakers will include :

  • Vicente GUALLART: former chief architect of Barcelona City Council; Co-founder Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia - Founder Guallart architects - SPAIN
  • Carol ROSS BARNEY: founding partner Ross Barney Architects - USA, AIA Thomas Jefferson Award; AIA Gold Medal
  • Jim HEVERIN: Board Director ZAHA HADID Architects - UK  
  • Etan KIMMEL: founder Kimmel-Eshkolot Architects – Israel,  winner of RIBA International Award for Excellence; winner of Dedalo Minosse International Prize.  
  • Zeng GUANSHENG: Founder, Mozhao architects - CHINA, the overall winner LEAF Awards 2019  
  • Tina SAABY: former chief architect of Copenhagen - DENMARK
  • Gianluca RACANA: Board Director Zaha Hadid Architects - UK  

It is a great opportunity to learn about the local perspective on the challenges of architecture and the future of urban living. The event will introduce you to architects, specialists, and industry shapers from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and other countries.

Register for free
You will be able to login to a dedicated online platform to benefit from:

Live keynote speeches, panel debates and workshops;
Opportunity for live Q&A with speakers;
Access to recordings, videos and slide decks after the event;
Round tables and fun interactive breakouts;
Direct messaging with other participants;
Virtual exhibition hall access and business card exchange;

Speakers' bio
Check out the agenda

9. november 2020
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