
Prefarenzen 2026: neváhajte a prihláste svoje projekty ešte dnes!

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reSITE 2018

V júni bude Praha dejiskom ďalšieho ročníka medzinárodnej konferencie reSITE 2018.
Red 429.12.2017
MiestoForum Karlín
AdresaPernerova 51,
Česká republika
Druh podujatiaPodujatie
KontaktForum Karlín
+420 722 793 593

reSITE is an annual celebration of inspiring design, development and positive impact on quality of life in cities. This world-class event brings together thought leaders, mayors, architects, planners, investors, artists and activists from around the world, across the spectrum of urban development.

Don't miss out 2-for-1 discount


What is a positive urban development strategy? It's time to reconsider what lovable and livable cities are. #reSITE2018 will be about balance, impact and real consequences of planning, investment and city development strategies. Inspired by the eye-opening and provocative book by Richard Florida, we will ask world's best experts what single positive changes mean for the whole context of the future of our urban environment. Meet, discuss and search solutions to deal with today's urban crisis, gentrification, unaffordable housing, social exclusion and other side effects that go hand in hand with the natural economic and creative evolution of cities.


reSITE is an international forum of best minds from architecture, urban planning, city makers, innovators, municipal leaders, investors and real estate developers.


At reSITE 2018, meet the Founder of Rojkind Arquitectos Michel Rojkind who was listed by Wallpaper magazine amongst "150 Movers, Shakers and Makers That Have Rocked the World in the Last 15 Years". His latest achievement, the Foro Boca concert and culture hall in Mexico, was inaugurated this month and he has amazed the planet by "Portal of Awareness", spatial installations made of Nescafe mugs.

FROM THE SURVEY: What do people like most about reSITE?

  • The overall atmosphere
  • Meeting new people from different countries and professions
  • All of the keynote lectures and discussions after them
  • Meeting friends
  • Fresh atmosphere, mix of participants and lectures

Mapa podujatia

29. december 2017
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