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Začiatok | 19.12.2016 00:00 |
Koniec | 5.1.2017 23:00 |
Miesto | Seoul |
Adresa | Soul, Južná Kórea |
Druh podujatia | Podujatie |
Kontakt | UIA - Yiseul KIM paper@uia2017seoul.org |
The UIA 2017 Seoul, in particular, will promote various innovative architectural techniques and technologies among member sections and global citizens. In doing so, academic programs, exhibitions, competitions, student activities, and public outreach programs will simultaneously take place.
The International Union of Architects (UIA) is a non-governmental organization and a global federation of national associations of architects.
The UIA's goal is to unite architects of the world without any form of discrimination. From the 27 delegations present at the founding assembly in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1948, the UIA has grown to encompass the key professional organizations of architects in 124 countries and territories, and now represents, through these organizations, close to one million three hundred
thousand architects worldwide.
UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress
Date: September 3 ~ 10, 2017
Venue: COEX & Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), Seoul/ Korea
Theme: Soul of City
Expected Participants: (Approximately) 30,000
Abstract Submission Close January 5, 2017
Notification of Acceptance January 31, 2017
No need to submit Full Paper None
Presentation File Submission Deadline August 25, 2017
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
The Scientific Committee of the UIA 2017 Seoul cordially invites participants to submit design works under the theme of ‘Soul of City.’ Abstracts should be submitted online at www.uia2017seoul.archi. Please refer to guidelines below for more information.
Subject 1. Culture
Cities have been developed in accordance with the cultural aspects of own. A city’s profile is the result of the association of historic buildings, yet the given profile reflecting cultures and historic buildings is often heterogeneous. How then can we define and create the uniqueness of a city with various determinants in mind? How should we respond to the phenomena derived from cultural differences? What are the roles of architecture for this?
Subject 2. Future
Mankind strives to further advancing urbanization for survival. Cities, as the cradle of human civilization, have introduced technologies so as to embrace the increase of population. While city governance deliberates urban efficiency and social equilibrium, mankind are threatened by emerging environmental hazards and deviated humane values, often caused by losing control over population density, equilibrium-breaking social powers, and unbalanced housing problem. Architecture can bring in imaginations, emotional charms, and technological benefits to city lives.
Subject 3. Nature
Growth of cities is often associated with the destruction or alternation of the time-honored nature. Urban life, however, needs to have green spaces such as gardens, natural parks or “domesticated landscapes,” and the existence of human beings is also considered as the natural environment. From this point of view, the built environment should not be completely different from the given natural environment; and cities and architectures should be considered as a living organism, inspired by the natural law.
Subject 4. Open-ended subjects
Abstracts for open-ended subjects are most welcomed, and any other architectural topics not covered by the three sub themes can be discussed. However, it is highly recommended to project some connections to the UIA 2017’s main theme, “SOUL OF CITY.” Possible topics may be, but are not limited to: Passion (Arts and Passion, Urban Space Arts, Architecture, and Arts) or Human Value (Suturing and Healing, Justice and Equity, and Community Values), and others.
Authors are asked to study the following instructions before preparation of abstracts. Architects who are willing to focus on architectural design projects (either realized or planned) are recommended to check “Call for Design Works”. And Architects who are willing to focus on academic research are recommended for “Call for Papers”.
1. Presentation Type
An abstract should indicate the preferred presentation method when submitting an abstract either oral or poster presentation.
2. Format (Please download an abstract template at the UIA 2017 Seoul website)
Step 01. Sign-up
Please log on to www.uia2017seoul.archi. First time users need to sign-up with a valid email address as a user name and password on the system before logging in. Please click online submission to submit you abstract(s).
Step 02. Abstract Submission
Submission will be accepted only online via the official website.
Step 03. Confirmation of Abstract Submission
An acknowledgement of abstract submission will be automatically sent to presenting and corresponding authors via e-mail upon completion of online submission. This letter is not a notification of abstract acceptance but a notification of an abstract submission. It is the responsibility of each individual to verify the acknowledgements and carefully review the submitted abstracts, as some special characters may not be readable. Submitted abstracts can be viewed, revised or updated at ‘My page’ on the website until January 5, 2017.
Step 04. Notification of Abstract Acceptance
The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts that are submitted on time and are in accordance with the specified format. The Committee reserves the right to reject any proposals, which fail to comply with the submission guidelines mentioned above. After receiving a notification of acceptance, the presenting authors are obliged to register in advance. Accepted abstracts
submitted by authors who failed to register before the deadline may not be included in the proceedings.
If you have any inquiries regarding abstract preparing and submission, please contact Yiseul KIM (paper@uia2017seoul.org) who will gladly assist you.