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BIGMAT International Architecture Award 2025 - prihlasovanie

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Mood for Wood - medzinárodný architektonický workshop

Mood for Wood new exciting international workshop draw closer. Between 8 and 15 May 2015, 40 students will try to change the look of 4 public gardens in Poznań (Poland) with their creative designs. Mood for Wood is an international workshop for students of design faculties from the Polish, Czech, Hungarian and Slovak universities. Forty students in four groups under the supervision of young architects will design and produce a series of city furnitures in for city district gardens managed by the MaltaFestival Poznań Foundation.

Students under the guidance of architects and designers will work on the project for city furniture for relaxation for spaces of public gardens located in different areas of the city of Poznan, Poland. Places selected for workshops are managed by local communities and the Malta Festival Poznan Foundation, who actively animate them throughout the year. Each garden is different, has different spatial conditions, each has distinct recipients. Students will meet gardens' users who will have an active influence on the project by presenting their needs and dreams for the public space. Proposed workshops promote the importance of social participation in the professional work of a designer among students and local communities. Mood for Wood stands out when compared to other student workshops with the implementation of projects that will have a real impact on the lives and development of local communities.


COLL COLL (CZ) – platform of architects, designers and friends founded in 2008 in Prague, Czech Republic. It’s scope ranges from porcelain to urban design. In 2012 they founded a civic association for research and innovation within the field of architecture. By now, it’s main interest is in performance oriented design with a special focus on wood and interaction with public space.

BudCud (PL) - is a contemporary practice from Cracow (Poland), operating within the fields of architecture and urbanism. The office is led by Mateusz Adamczyk (1981) and Agata Wozniczka (1986). We design complex architectural environments.Our projects are logical and professional elaborations of better and sustainable reality in modern times, designed for the future inhabitants who benefit from a new environment. BudCud’s design process is a constant evaluation of a rational model scheme, defined by both context and experimentation. We are heavily influenced by the project environment, which makes BudCud proposals contextually conscious, but not naive. Implementing such a strategy results in something that is both unusual and unique.

Nice Architects (SK) - LOVE & LOGIC is the approach, how we make contemporary architecture at our studio Nice Architects. LOVE & LOGIC contents of originality and effectivity, dream and reality, innovation and tradition, comfort and sustainability, attraction and context. LOVE & LOGIC represents us, Nice Architects. Nice Architects proposals are always bringing new and fresh perception on tasks in architecture. Our work is characterized by rethinking old ways of creation, integrating knowledge of different professions as landscape design, technology, art, psychology, science, sociology and life itself. We are joining beauty, functionality and humanity into one complex entity. We are pushing limits as far beyond expectations as possible. We love to produce surprising ideas, optimistic visions, vibrant strategies and innovative projects in the architecture and related fields. We are experts in the field of sustainable residential architecture and urbanism.

Hello Wood (HU) - an international architecture program and a design studio based in Budapest, Hungary. All work, produced here, carries two attributes: it’s mostly from wood and it’s characterized by an interplay of art and social commitment. Hello Wood integrates various fields of art, design and science; it creates community and encourages talent. It brings together students and professionals from across borders, moreover it connects everyday people with the designer community.Hello Wood started as an art camp in 2010 for students in architecture and design and has grown into a unique artcamp festival involving more than 20 universities and 30 countries. Hello wood is a possibility for learning based on making. It is a great opportunity to break down the walls between different generations, to connect in ways that are beyond the walls of universities.

EVENTS: Lectures: SNOHETTA, SAMI RINTALA ( Rintala Eggertsson Architects), Jarosław Hulbój (polish wood artist)


MAIN ORGANIZER: Association of Polish Architects in Poznan (Magda Wypusz, Marta Buczkowska), Arena Design, Malta Festival Poznan, Kolektyw Kąpielisko, Hello Wood

PARTNERS: Visegrad Fund, School of Form , Nice Architects, COLL COLL, BudCud, City of Poznań, MTP, OWA, EGGER, BOSCH.
Red 127.03.2015
MiestoPoznaň - Poľsko
Druh podujatiaPodujatie
KontaktMagda Wypusz, Marta Buczkowska

Mapa podujatia

27. marec 2015
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