Climate of innovation
Ivanská cesta 30/A
Okná pre pasívne domy
Galvaniho 15 B
Tehelná 1203/6
Zlaté Moravce
BIM knižnice a objekty
Stará Vajnorská 139
Dokonalá izolácia
Stará Vajnorská 139
Prielohy 1012/1C
Štúrova 136B
Začiatok | 22.11.2016 14:00 |
Koniec | 22.11.2016 16:00 |
Miesto | KAT Katedra architektonickej tvorby |
Adresa | Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18, Bratislava, Slovensko |
Druh podujatia | Podujatie |
Kontakt | KAT 02/594 285 00 |
prednáška bude vedená v angličtine / the lecture will be held in english
CITA is an innovative research environment exploring the emergent intersections between architecture and digital technologies. Identifying core research questions into how space and technology can be probed, CITA seeks to investigate how the current forming of a digital culture impacts on architectural thinking and practice.
CITA examines how architecture is influenced by new digital design- and production tools as well as the digital practices that are informing our societies culturally, socially and technologically. Using design and practice based research methods; the aim is to explore the conceptualisation, design and realisation of working prototypes. CITA consolidates new collaborations with interdisciplinary partners from the fields of computer graphics, human computer interaction, robotics, artificial intelligence as well as the practice based fields of furniture design, fashion and textiles, industrial design, film, dance and interactive arts.
CITA recently won the prestigious Academic Program Award of Exellence for their pioneering approach to design research and experimental pedagogy in Europe.
Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen
Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen’s research centres on the intersection between architecture and computer science. During the last 15 years her focus has been on the profound changes that digital technologies instigate in the way architecture is thought, designed and built. In 2005 she founded the Centre for IT and Architecture research group (CITA) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and Conservation. During the last 10 years she has successfully built up a strong international group In 2010 she became full Professor in Architecture and Digital Technologies. Mette is the first-ever architectural researcher to win an EliteForsk prize (2016).