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Medzinárodná konferencia RESONATE | Thinking sound and space

Bližšie informácie k medzinárodnej konferencii RESONATE, ktorá sa uskutoční vo februári 2018 v Portugalsku.
Red 429.01.2018
MiestoMAAT museum
AdresaAv. Brasília 1300-598 ,
Druh podujatiaPodujatie

Why does sound matter in architecture? This critical question is at the heart of RESONATE: Thinking Sound and Space, a one-day conference featuring principals of Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Snøhetta, Foster + Partners and Henning Larsen in a lively exchange with sound designers from Meyer Sound, Arup and several artists and performers.   In addressing acoustics – the fourth dimension of architecture –  RESONATE’s speakers will guide a transdisciplinary odyssey into the secrets of cutting-edge sound spaces and iconic cultural venues.  Moderators include prominent editors of the New York Times, Dezeen, Designboom and Monocle. The event will take place February 12, 2018, at MAAT in Lisbon. A special discount is available to Women in Design.

“Sound may be invisible, but that doesn’t make it any less an architectural material than wood, glass, concrete, stone or light,” Michael Kimmelman points out an often overlooked dimension in architecture that RESONATE has chosen as its theme.

“Sound is at the very heart of our human experience. Creating extraordinary listening experiences across a wide variety of platforms is the essence of what we’ve done for nearly 40 years,” say John and Helen Meyer, the founders on Meyer Sound, the sound technology experts that have been called Metallica’s secret weapon. The company is collaborating on this event with its main co-organizers and curators, MAAT museum and reSITE.

Three case studies

Elizabeth Diller will present Diller Scofidio + Renfro's longstanding engagement with architecture in sound, including the transformation of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the High Line and the Shed, the first multi-arts center designed to commission and present all types of performing arts, visual arts, and popular culture in NYC. She will also speak about the Museum of Image and Sound on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro. Peer Teglegaard Jeppesen has made a mark on cultural and performing arts centers in Europe and Asia with Henning Larsen's Harpa Music Hall and Conference Centre in Reykjavik serving as an icon for Iceland. The Oslo Opera House by Snøhetta was one of the more decidedly contemporary buildings of its genre when opened. Founding partner, Kjetil T. Thorsen will speak about the challenge of designing a concert hall that attempts to strike a balance between reverberant orchestral sound while carrying a clear voice from opera singers.  Foster + Partners Senior Partner Michael Jones involved in the recent Bloomberg HQ project, joined by Arup’s Raj Patel and Meyer Sound’s John Pellowe will discuss both the history and the future of architecture and acoustics.

Who will speak and perform


  • Elizabeth Diller - Founding Partner | Diller Scofidio + Renfro | New York | US
  • Peer Teglgaard Jeppesen - Principal Partner, Design Director Scandinavia, Architect | Henning Larsen | Copenhagen | DK
  • Michael Jones - Senior Partner | Foster & Partners | London | UK
  • João Santa-Rita - Partner | Santa-Rita & Associados | Lisbon | PT
  • Kjetil Trædal Thorsen - Founding Partner, Architect | Snøhetta | Oslo | NO


  • Miguel Álvarez-Fernández - Composer, Sound Artist, Musicologist and Curator | Madrid | ES
  • Joana Carneiro - Conductor | Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa | Lisbon | PT
  • Bill Fontana - Composer, Artist | San Francisco | US
  • Bernhard Leitner - Architect, Sound Artist | Vienna | AT
  • Xavier Veilhan - Visual Artist | Paris | FR


  • Raj Patel - Fellow | Arup | New York | US
  • John Pellowe - Project Director for Constellation Systems | Meyer Sound | London | UK

Editors and moderators:

  • Michael Kimmelman - Author, Columnist, Pianist and Architecture Critic | The New York Times | New York | US
  • Birgit Lohmann - Founder, Editor-in-chief | Designboom | Milan | IT
  • Jessica Mairs - Architecture Editor | Dezeen | London | UK
  • Andrew Tuck - Editor | Monocle | London | UK
  • Solène Wolff - Managing Partner | PLANE—SITE | Berlin | DE
  • Martin Barry - Founder, Chairman | reSITE | New York | US
  • Pedro Gadanho - Director | MAAT | Lisbon | PT

Women in Design are encouraged to join

The organizers have opened a pass for Women in Design aiming to improve the gender balance in the industry. Women can register with a 70% discount for this one-of-a-kind event open to all architects, artists, engineers, students and anyone interested in how sound interacts with architecture.



RESONATE is the fruit of a new partnership between co-organizers fostering innovation and globally relevant dialogue:

MAAT offers a common ground for discovery and critical thinking that crosses art, architecture and technology; reSITE, a leading voice in Europe in the field of rethinking architecture and public space to make cities more livable with 6 years of experience in designing international, interactive and cross-disciplinary events. The event is closely related to Bill Fontana’s Shadow Soundings sound and live streaming installation at MAAT and will offer the last opportunity to explore it on an artist-led tour, before its closing.

Mapa podujatia

29. január 2018
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