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SODA Gallery Vás srdečne pozýva na výstavu Stratená forma.
Red 417.05.2018
MiestoSODA gallery
AdresaŠkolská 9,
Druh podujatiaVýstava
KontaktSODA gallery
+ 421 907 85 35 62

Juraj GAVULA (1942, Vyšné Čabiny)

From 1959 to 1963, he studied stone sculpture at the Secondary School of Art Industry in Bratislava, under the guidance of prof. Fraňo Štefunko at the Academy of Fine Arts, where in 1965, where he acceded in 1965 to the newly established Glass Architecture Department under the guidance of Václav Cingler. His diploma thesis, which was acquired by the Slovak National Gallery, was awarded the Rector’s Award. He worked as a pedagogical director at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, in the years 1990 to 2007 as Head of the Department of Glass Art at Academy of Fine Arts. In 2003 he was appointed as Associate Professor of Architecture and Glass, leading the Department of Applied Art. In the 1970s and 1980s, he devoted himself to monumental artwork and work in architecture. The realisations of this kind were created in Bratislava, for example, for the Hospital Ružinov, the Zichy Palace, the Town City Council, the Hotel Forum, The Prior in Poprad, The house of Sorrow in Trenčín, the New Cementery in Dolné Vestenice, the bust stations in Dunajska Streda and Novy Most nad Váhom and other. He participated in numerous sculpture symposiums in Slovakia and abroad (Vyšné Ružbachy, Galanta, Prešov, Moravany, Siklós-Villany, Oroňsko, Berlin, Labin, as well as glass symposiums (Poltár, Lednické Rovne). Within the small scale sculpture he worked mostly with stone, bronze, wood and glass materials. 


Matej GAVULA (1972, Bratislava)

Between 1986 and 1990, he studied stone sculpture at the Secondary school of Art Industry , and in 1996 graduated from the Studio of Glass in the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. Works in media of object, photo, video, action and performance. In the recent past, he presented his work, for example, with APART collective, Chaosdroid and Lukáš Likavčan at the exhibition Constantly Growing Horizontal Ground Stems - Geopoetics in Anthropocene at the gallery Plusmínusnula in Žilina, after that on the exhibitions I Like Attention in Central Slovak Gallery in Banská Bystrica (Curator Zuzana L. Majlingová; displayed Jana Kapelová, Lucia Ľuptáková, Oldřich Morys),  Pretty soon if this keeps up I’am going to have envelop the entire universe in Gdansk City Gallery (curators Piotr Stasiowski and Jaro Varga, exhibiting Banca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Alicia Bielawska, Viktor Frešo, Markus Hanakam & Roswitha Schuller, Jaroslav Kyša, Kama Sokolnicka, Hilla Toony Navok, Anna Witkowska & Adam Witkowski). Panfília in Zahorian & Van Essen gallery (curator: Daniel Grúň; Milan Adamčiak, guest APART collective), or Shell Game in MeetFactory in Prague (curators: Lucia Gavulová and Jaro Varga; exhibited Ján Gašparovič, Jonáš Gruska, Daniel Grúň and Roman Ondák).

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17. máj 2018
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