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Začiatok | 23.10.2017 09:00 |
Koniec | 25.10.2017 18:00 |
Miesto | Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera |
Adresa | Betlémské náměstí 5a, Praha, Česká republika |
Druh podujatia | Podujatie |
Kontakt | Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera +420 222 222 157 gjf@gjf.cz |
The workshop will conduct a research into rule-based design systems, which examine modes of interaction between the designer (human) and the logical constraints of algorithms (machines) in the process of design, creating virtual design ecologies, which challenge the conventional notion of space and matter. A set of programmed behaviours and rules form Computational Design Engines, which are used to design and digitally grow series of architectural systems.
The workshop is planned as an intensive 3 day studio-based course. During the workshop, we will be using multiple platforms for computational/algorithmic design – with focus on scripting in Processing/JAVA and Python, introduction to 3D modeling techniques in Maya and Rhino/Grasshopper. The goal is to introduce students to techniques and methodologies of algorithmic design and procedural modeling, through the use and customisation of pre-made scripts and enable them for further individual work.
For more information, please visit www.eabiennial.cz