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29. marec 2018

Dalibor Martinis & Tadej Pogačar

Soda Gallery Vás pozýva na aktuálnu výstavu Dalibora Martinisa a Tadeja Pogačara.
MiestoSODA gallery
AdresaŠkolská 10,
Druh podujatiaVýstava
KontaktSODA gallery
+421 (0) 907 85 35 62

Dalibor Martinis was born in Zagreb 1947. Lives in Zagreb and graduated from Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. He exhibits since 1969, and works as video artist (until 1992 also in collaboration with Sanja Iveković). He held numerous personal shows, performances and screenings, and participated in many international exhibitions and bienials, Sao Paolo, Venice, Kwang-ju, Thessaloniki, Cairo; Dokumenta, Kassel, and film/video festivals (Berlin, Tokyo, Montreal, Locarno etc.). He had grants from Canada Council (1978) Jaica (Japan 1984), and ArtsLink (USA 1994 and 2010). He was guest professor at Academy of Drama Arts/Zagreb 1987/91, and Ontario College of Art/Toronto 1991/2; full prof. at Academy of Applied Arts/Rijeka. He was awarded with several international awards (such as Tokyo Video festival 1984, Locarno 1984, Alpe Adria Film festival/Triest 1996., T-HT prize 2012). His works are in the collections of The Museum of Contemporary Art/Zagreb, The Museum of Modern Art/New York, Stedelijk Museum/Amsterdam, ZKM Karlsruhe, New York Public Library, Kontakt/Erste Bank, Vienna etc.

Tadej Pogačar is a visual artist, curator and educator, born in 1960 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He studied art history, ethnology and fine art at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. He is the founder and director of the P. A. R. A. S. I. T. E. Museum of Contemporary Art and menaging director of the P74 Center and Gallery, a leading center for contemporary art in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Pogačar has exhibited widely, most recently at the Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb (2015), Moderna Galerija (retrospective, 2014), Gagosian in New York (2013), Gallery for Contemporary Art in Leipzig (2012), the ZKM – Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe (2011–2012), and the Vojvodina Museum of Contemporary Art in Novi Sad (2011), and the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova in Ljubljana (2011), as well as at biennials in São Paulo, Venice, Istanbul, Prague, and Tirana, and at Manifesta 1 in Rotterdam. He has also had exhibitions at the MUMOK in Vienna (2009), the San Francisco Art Institute (2007), the NGBK in Berlin (2007), the Stedelijk Museum (2004), the Central House of Artists in Moscow, and the Museo de Arte Carillo Gil in Mexico City. He has been recipient of the Franklin Furnace Grant in 2001, Shrinking Cities Grant in 2004 and Georg Kepes Fellowship at M.I.T. Boston in 2012.

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