Climate of innovation
Ivanská cesta 30/A
Okná pre pasívne domy
Galvaniho 15 B
Tehelná 1203/6
Zlaté Moravce
BIM knižnice a objekty
Stará Vajnorská 139
Dokonalá izolácia
Stará Vajnorská 139
Prielohy 1012/1C
Štúrova 136B
Začiatok | 2.3.2017 19:00 |
Koniec | 5.3.2017 23:00 |
Miesto | Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre |
Adresa | Kortárs Építészeti Központ , Budapest, Maďarsko |
Druh podujatia | Podujatie |
Kontakt | Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre +36 1 322 2907 |
Contemporary architecture and design on the screen for 4-days within the framework of the 9th edition of the Budapest Architecture Film Days!
The Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre invites you for a 4-day-long cinematic journey between 2-5 March at Toldi Cinema, Budapest. In a similar fashion to previous years, the festival presents a wide selection of films, focusing on storytelling and personal relationships with the city, presenting buildings in an elusive and subjective manner.
The festival distinguishes itself as the first and biggest architecture-related film festival of Central Europe. Disappearing old neighbourhoods, renamed streets, new districts, the conflicts and contrasts of the street or the newly found multiculturalism of Central European cities – all provide a sharp lens to interpret social changes. The selection does not only offer new viewpoints to look at these changes, they also help our understanding of urban transformation and architectural processes in the region.
Step out of your confront zone! This year’s films also aim to present unusual solutions for urban conflict resolution; awareness-raising approaches able to go beyond traditional frontlines, seeking cooperation and resilience.
Please find the full programme, completed with film desciptions and trailers, on the below link.