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7. november 2016

Pozrite si víťazov Austrálskej národnej ceny za architektúru 2016

Austrálsky inštitút architektov počas slávnostného večera v Sydney vyhlásil výsledky prestížnej ceny National Architecture Awards 2016.
Pozrite si víťazov Austrálskej národnej ceny za architektúru 2016

Národná cena za architektúru sa v Austrálii udeľuje každoročne od roku 1981. Oceňuje najvýraznejšie projekty na austrálskej architektonickej scéne.

Každý rok je konkurencia vysoká. Tento rok sa do súťaže prihlásilo takmer 900 realizácií. Porota vybrala 79 finalistov a napokon vybrala 40 projektov, ktoré ocenila. Cena sa udeľuje v niekoľkých kategóriách a udeľuje sa stavbám nachádzajúcim sa v celej Austrálii.

Pozrite si víťazov v rámci jednotlivých kategórií:

komerčné a administratívne stavby:

The Harry Seidler Award – AHL Headquarters - 478 George Street (NSW) od Candalepas Associates
National Award – 5 Martin Place (NSW) od JPW & TKD architects in collaboration
National Commendation – Alex Hotel (WA) od spaceagency architects
National Commendation – Cape York Partnership Offices (QLD) od Kevin O'Brien Architects
National Commendation – Devil's Corner (TAS) od Cumulus Studio
National Commendation – Ormuz Specialist Eye Clinic (QLD) od Loucas Zahos Architects

AHL Headquarters
AHL Headquartersfoto: Brett Boardman

Edukačná architektúra:

The Daryl Jackson Award – University of Queensland Oral Health Centre (QLD) od Cox Rayner Architects with Hames Sharley and Conrad Gargett Riddel
National Award – The Mandeville Centre, Loreto Toorak (VIC) od Architectus
National Commendation – Geelong Grammar School, School of Performing Arts & Creative Education (VIC) od Peter Elliott Architecture + Urban Design
National Commendation – UNSW Materials Science & Engineering Building (NSW) od Grimshaw

University of Queensland Oral Health Centre
University of Queensland Oral Health Centrefoto: Christopher Frederick Jones

Ikonická architektúra: (budovy staršie ako 25 rokov, ktoré predstavujú aj v súčastnosti kvalitnú a fungujúcu architektúru)

National Award – Perth Concert Hall (WA) od Howlett and Bailey Architects

Perth Concert Hall (WA)
Perth Concert Hall (WA)foto: Courtesy City Of Perth

Obnova pamiatok:

The Lachlan Macquarie Award – The State Buildings (WA) od Architect: Kerry Hill Architects, Heritage Architect: Palassis Architects
National Award – 5 Martin Place (NSW) od JPW & TKD architects in collaboration
National Commendation – Bayside Fire Station (QLD) od Owen Architecture

The State Buildings (WA)
The State Buildings (WA)foto: Angus Martin


The Emil Sodersten Award – Canberra Airport Hotel (ACT) od Bates Smart
National Award – University of Queensland Oral Health Centre (QLD) od Cox Rayner Architects with Hames Sharley and Conrad Gargett Riddel
National Commendation – Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (VIC) od ARM Architecture

Canberra Airport Hotel (ACT)
Canberra Airport Hotel (ACT)foto: Rodrigo Vargas

Medzinárodná architektúra:

The Jørn Utzon Award – Australian Pavilion, Venice (Italy) od Denton Corker Marshall
Australian Award – National Gallery Singapore (Singapore) od studioMilou Singapore with CPG Consultants

Australian Pavilion, Benátky (Taliansko)
Australian Pavilion, Benátky (Taliansko) foto: John Gollings

Verejné stavby:

The Sir Zelman Cowen Award – Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (VIC) od ARM Architecture
National Award – St Andrews House (NSW) od Candalepas Associates
National Award – The Condensery - Somerset Regional Art Gallery (QLD) od PHAB Architects
National Commendation – City of Perth Library and Public Plaza (WA) od Kerry Hill Architects
National Commendation – Kempsey Crescent Head Surf Life Saving Club (NSW) od Neeson Murcutt Architects Pty Ltd

Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (VIC)
Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (VIC)foto: John Gollings

Rezidenčné stavby - domy (rekonštrukcia a prístavba):

The Eleanor Cullis-Hill Award – Jenny's House (TAS) od Rosevear Stephenson
National Award – Darlinghurst Rooftop (NSW) od CO-AP (Architects)
National Award – Mills, The Toy Management House (VIC) od Austin Maynard Architects

Jenny's House (TAS)
Jenny's House (TAS) foto: Ray Joyce

Rezidenčné stavby - domy (novostavby):

The Robin Boyd Award – Indigo Slam (NSW) od Smart Design Studio
National Award – Deepdene House (VIC) od Kennedy Nolan
National Award – Point Lonsdale House (VIC) od NMBW Architecture Studio
National Award – Rosalie House (QLD) od Owen Architecture
National Commendation – House in Hamilton (QLD) od phorm architecture + design with Tato Architects

 Indigo Slam (NSW)
Indigo Slam (NSW) foto: Sharrin Rees

Rezidenčné stavby (bytové domy):

The Frederick Romberg Award – Knutsford / Stage 1 (WA) od spaceagency architects
National Award – 10 Wylde Street (NSW) od SJB
National Award – Monash University Logan Hall (VIC) od McBride Charles Ryan

Knutsford / Fáza 1 (WA)
Knutsford / Fáza 1 (WA)foto: Robert Frith

Malá architektúra:

The Nicholas Murcutt Award – Maidstone Tennis Pavilion (VIC) od Searle x Waldron Architecture
National Award – Bath House (QLD) od Stephen de Jersey Architect

Maidstone Tennis Pavilion (VIC)
Maidstone Tennis Pavilion (VIC)foto: Nick Searle

Udržateľná architektúra:

The Nicholas Murcutt Award – Maidstone Tennis Pavilion (VIC) od Searle x Waldron Architecture
National Award – Bath House (QLD) od Stephen de Jersey Architect

Tonsley Main Assembly Building and Pods (SA)
Tonsley Main Assembly Building and Pods (SA) foto: Sam Noonan


The Walter Burley Griffin Award – Bowen Place Crossing (ACT) od Lahznimmo Architects
National Award – Lennox Bridge Portals (NSW) od Hill Thalis Architecture + Urban Projects

Bowen Place Crossing (ACT)
Bowen Place Crossing (ACT)foto: Brett Boardman

COLORBOND cena pre architektúru z ocele:

COLORBOND® Award – South Australia Drill Core Reference Library (SA) od Thomson Rossi

South Australia Drill Core Reference Library (SA)
South Australia Drill Core Reference Library (SA)foto: David Sievers

Hlasovanie verejnosti:

Deepwater (NSW) od Tobias Partners

Deepwater (NSW)
Deepwater (NSW)foto: Justin Alexander

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