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14. jún 2019

ACE vydala štúdiu o úlohe architektúry v hospodárnosti budov podľa štandardov EU

Komisia EU vypracovala normy, štandardy (Level(s)) - rámec macro-cieľov a ukazovateľov zameraných na pomoc stavebným profesionálom zaznamenávať environmentálne dopady budov.
ACE vydala štúdiu o úlohe architektúry v hospodárnosti budov podľa štandardov EU

Vypracované štandardy pomáhajú reportovať okrem environmentálnych dopadov aj energetickú hospodárnosť a pôsobenie použitých materiálov, Level(s)  poskytujú rámec pre zaznamenávania kvality dosiahnutého vnútorného prostredia s použitými zdrojmi, vrátane kvality vzduchu, tepelnej pohody, odolnosť voči zmene klímy a životného cyklu náklady/hodnota.

The EU Commission has been developing Level(s) - a framework of macro-objectives and indicators aiming to help building professionals to report on the environmental performance of buildings. As well as energy and material impacts, Level(s) provides a framework for reporting the quality of the indoor environment achieved with these resources, including air quality, thermal comfort, climate change resilience and life cycle cost/value.

The Architects’ Council of Europe has been an active contributor to the work of the DG Environment Steering Committee during the development of Level(s) and ACE Member Organisations have been involved in the testing phase of the scheme.

The Architects’ Council of Europe commissioned a study, co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme, in order to better understand the usefulness and possible impacts of this new scheme on the quality and sustainability of the built environment. In particular, the study looks at the following questions:

  • How to use Level(s) metrics to help balance the often conflicting drivers for sustainable architecture and tackle impact hotspots across a building’s life span?
  • What is the potential of Level(s) to support sustainable architectural quality?
  • What is the first feedback from pilots?
  • What amendments are needed to achieve a broader uptake?

The study will be presented and discussed at a workshop during the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), on Tuesday 18 June, from 11h00 to 13h00. Learn more and sign up on the ACE website: Raising the Bar for Level(s) – Architects' Feedback from the Pilots.

Download the study on Assessing the Role of Architecture in Building Performance as Defined by the EU Level(s) Scheme.

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