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Semestrálny projekt predstavujeme s upraveným autorským textom:
The principles of perceived diversity are the same in life, food and in architecture as well. For the things which are necessary are always a solutions in our lives, how to make them not just necessary but enjoyable and satisfying.
Densification, lack of urban diversity, sprawl and shrinkage of the cities are one of the most common urban issues nowadays. Our concept concerns one of the most populated European city which is growing rapidly and where the migration and lack of housing are one of the most serious issues. But density in our perception is not just physical - building another housing and buildings. It is about diversities and richness in various types of opportunities, styles and choices. The main idea is to find a solution for those parts in the cities which are lacking diversities and are abandoned, unused or monofunctional.
The idea is to extend monofunctional industrial, logistics, and production line areas with additional level – hovering platform. Platform creates another plot at the top of the vast areas without demolishing them, which is already more sustainable. Platform could be used for a living or any other uses. The roofs and platform are not touching. The space between could be used as infrastructure space for energetics, harvesting, recycling water for a industrial uses and so on.
In order to improve the mobility, livability and travel distances we supposed to start with the fringe zones of the cities and make them more diverse and livable. By finding the fringe zone of Berlin, where the characteristics of urban and non urban signs are interweaved throughout each other, we searched for the solution in order to change monofunctional areas in the way of massive hybridization. Massive hybridization which could change the whole perception of Fringe zones (monofunctional areas, industry, shopping malls...).
The site is located in Neukölln. The most known multicultural borough of Berlin with almost 50% foreigners of all inhabitants. The atmosphere of Neukölln is one of the most special ones in Berlin. Area of artists, musicians, cultures, parties, food and alternative lifestyles. Our concept is located in one of the industrial areas with no other functions and possibilities. The Canape was applied on that part of the city to show the uncoventional lifestyles, multiculturality and diversity in Neukölln with an idea of making monofunctional parts more livable and diverse.
By bringing the concept of The Canape we could extend the big span construction buildings which cannot be extended upwards with additional levels because of their unbearable roofs for another use of buildings. Those vast industrial parts and monofunctional logistics areas, roofs of supermarkets without any chance of living, relaxing, and playing are a great example of horizontal, physical density without any other added value.
We focused the major idea to improve the identity of multicultural, artistic, vibrant and alternative lifestyles of Neukölln in the way which is striving for upcycling, bottom up approach, cohousing and more sustainable living. The canape is not just about bringing housing. Is about making lifes and cities more efficient, green, alternative and sustainable.
The idea of a Canape Bread is a whole story about how bread is necessary for our life, but without any other flavour or additions it is just a bread and it is not so satisfying as deliciou canape with other ingredients which is more diverse.
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Podklady: Archtung, Andrea Bušová, Jakub Masný