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International Competition “Dream Pavilion”

Competition 2014
Visual Artist: Flying Architecture
Lenka Petráková09.07.2015
International Competition “Dream Pavilion”
Autori: Ing.arch Lenka PetrákováAdresa: NYC, Spojené štátyPublikované: 9. júl 2015

Scaffolds and sidewalk sheds seem to be everywhere these days — “There’ s an abundance of scaffolds around the city, and oftentimes there’s very little activity ,” said architect Ralph Beiran. “The scaffolding takes away from the charm of the city,” said Bob Mitchell, 51, of New Jersey.
For New Yorkers, scaffolding creates a different kind of problem. At the corner of 123rd Street and Lenox Avenue in Harlem is a bright blue sidewalk shed. A hated, despised sidewalk shed. As told by the Times, this telltale marker of construction work or facade repairs, which obscures a bodega, has been around for exactly 10 years.

The pavilion is to be created out of recycled scaffolding that remains along the streets of New York City. By giving the scaffolds a new purpose the seemingly regular obstruction transitions from waste to architecture, creating a new purpose for an otherwise wasted material.
The pavilion consist of several features, firstly is the reading of lines (in the structural system), secondly is the creation of imaginary surfaces, and thirdly the volume (most present in the overall external view of the pavilion) . What begins as a reading of volume ultimately reveals a system of beams assembled in revolution throughout space that comes in and out of view. In addition, these qualities are accentuated further by both natural and artificial lighting effects.

Poloha diela

Ing.arch Lenka Petráková
9. júl 2015
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